I often write about the health benefits of green space and how spending time in nature can spur environmental action. I’m also always on the lookout for unexpected climate solutions (i.e., composting infrastructure for dog poop) and creative ideas on how to place climate at the center of culture (via tattoos! theater! school curriculums!). Here are a few stories I’m most proud of:
I’ve been invited to speak about my writing on podcasts, panels, TV segments, and that one time, the Polish morning news:
8 Natural Landscapes That Will Restore Your Energy (The Human Upgrade Podcast)
How Nature Soothes Anxiety (The mindbodygreen Podcast)
Is That ‘Green' Product Really as Eco-Friendly as It Claims? (NBCLX News Segment)
The Magic of Everyday Life (Dzien Dobry TVN, Poland)
International Women’s Day Panel (Yes And x Women’s Earth Alliance Event)
Creating Engaging & Highly Shareable Content (Green Dreamer Podcast)